Select and export datasources from Datamesh

In this tutorial, you will use the Datamesh UI to:
  1. Use the Datamesh to select an area of interest

  2. Search for other data that overlaps with the area of interest

  3. Create a workspace with some interesting datasources that overlaps

  4. Export the workspace as a bundle to be used in a gives

To start, you should be logged in to the Datamesh UI at . Navigate the map so that New Zealand’s North Island is in the map view. We are interested in a Marine park area in the North Island of New Zealand.

Step 1

  • Start by searching for “Marine Parks” in the search bar. You should see a datasource appear on the map.

  • Select MPI Marine Parks by clicking on the result in the searh drop down, the map label or the map outline.


Step 2

  • The MPI Marine park Datasource panel should open and two feature areas will appear on the map. Zoom to the smaller northern region.

  • Right click on the feature to set it as the geofilter

  • We want to include the area of interest in the workspace, so click to “Select Filtered” the area from the MPI Marine park datasource to the workspace. You should see a “1” appear on the Workspace button.


Step 3

  • Now lets search for some other relevant data. Since it is a Marine park, lets see if there is any fish data in this area. Type “fish” in the search bar.

  • You should see several datasources appear. Select Fish juvenile distribution areas.

  • In the datasource panel, click “Select filtered” to select data from the datasource which overlaps with the geaofilter. This should add a second datasource to the workspace.


Step 4

  • Let’s browse for some other data that could be interesting. Type “*” in the search bar - this will select everything that intersects the geofilter and will show their extents on the map.

  • Everyone likes whales, so select ‘Cetacean distribution’ to open that datasource. This is a large raster dataset.

  • We only want the section of the datasource that overlaps our area of interest, so click “Select filtered” to add a subset to the workspace.

  • Now open the Workspace View by clicking on the Workspace button.


Step 5

  • In the Workspace View you can open individual datasources. You can click on “Download data” to download in choice of output formats.

  • You can remove datasources from the workspace with the “Remove” button.


Step 6

  • Now lets export the workspace to view in a GIS platform. Choose the “GeoPackage” option.

  • If a datasource can be exported into the chosen bundle, a tick will show. Not all datasources can be exported into all bundles.

  • Finally, click “Export” to export the GeoPackage bundle. After a short time it should download.
